Thursday, January 5, 2012

In addition

Sorry, I was in the hospital. After that last bit... I past out on my living room floor in what my grandfather identified as sounding like a seizure.

I just spent almost two days with no food and no water until he came(well they said it was day 2, I am still getting my bearings here at home), kept me against my will despite that I was no harm to anyone, and only straightened up when my grandfather showed up and had a chat with them.

I am sick, tied, and in serious need of medical help after all that "help", my skin is chapped, and from what I can piece together, my vocal cords are damaged, but I don't know for sure since I still am waiting on a call back from the doctor to see what she wants me to do.

I am not a happy camper. I am however double checking as I do suspect shock of being the cause of what happened. I may never know that but... their reasoning was that I have a diagnosis.

this makes me no less of a person and if they had checked me as I wished they would have... this would not able an issue. if cps has any issues with it, they can request my diary entries from that time. 

I am sick, tired, and tired of being treated like crap but on the up side I had a really awesome dream while on my floor... not breathing... so yeah, shock bad.

Somehow one ventures to say.. this would not have happened if cps had investigated and done everything possible(they did nothing) before removing my children.

I removed the links because I do not believe breaking the law will help my family. I am sorry I was unable to remove them sooner, I did try. I will be double checking other sites I frequent as well.

I will also be calling my cps case manager as someone thought to give them the number. as I was outgoing someone told me cps isn't allowed ER records... and I think we all know cps accesses antying they want. at least from what they told me.

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